
The Electrical Apprenticeship – information


The Electrical Apprenticeship – information

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The electrical apprenticeship is a standards based training designed to cover the core skills required to qualify as an Electrician. The work includes wiring of domestc, commercial and industrial installations, testing and commissioning of electrical services and controls.

Electricians also service, maintain and repair electrical equipment, both domestic and complex industrial controls. The trade is designated for Apprenticeship Training and as such is governed by the Statutory Apprenticeship rules, which have been made by FAS.

Entry Requirements ( Ref: Fas Statement of Entry requirements) The minimum age at which the employment of an apprentice may commence is 16 years of age. The minimum educational requirements are:

1. Grade D in five subjects in the Department of Education Science Junior Certificate Examination or approved equivalent, or
2. The successful completion of an approved Pre-Apprenticeship course (4 Modules – including 3 core modules in Maths, Science, Technical Drawing – Junior Certificate Level) In certain crafts, apprenticeship applicants must pass the Ishiara colour vision test.

FÁS recognises that people may seek to commence apprenticeship holding qualifications other than those detailed above and equivalences with the Junior Certificate requirements are published in its booklet:
‘Table of Equivalence of Qualifications for Entry to the Standards-based Apprenticeship in Ireland 1.’

These equivalences include award titles, as follow:

NCVA Foundation Programme 8 modules (Full Certificate)
Leaving Certificate (Applied) 50 credits
NCVA Level 1 5 modules
NCVA Level 2 5 modules
GNVQ Foundation 8 modules
GNVQ Foundation 5 modules
NVQ Level 1 5 modules
NVQ Level 2 5 modules
Introductory Skills Certificate 2 8 technical modules

Note: Certificate titles may change. Please see the current Directory of FETAC Awards

You must obtain a job as an apprentice with a suitable employer who can offer you the apprenticeship in your chosen occupation,
Your employer must register you with FÁS as an apprentice at the commencement of the apprenticeship.


See the type of work being done in the occupation in which you are interested.
Consider participating in a FAS Pre-Apprenticeship Course which helps prepare you for an Apprenticeship, In particular these courses provide practical and theoretical training for women to prepare them to train and work in a traditionally male environment.
Ask employers, qualified craftspersons or apprentices about the occupation and career opportunities available.
Seek the advice of your parents or guardians and career guidance counsellors, as appropriate.


Investigate apprentice job opportunities with local employers.
Look for apprentice job advertisements in local and national newspapers as many large organisations advertise their apprentice vacancies.
Consult with a Career Guidance Teacher or School Principal as some employers recruit through local schools.
Advise FAS so that FAS can place your name on a list of those interested in apprenticeship.
Such lists are made available on request, to employers who are recruiting apprentices,

Phase 1, On-the-job, is an introduction to apprenticeship, safety, the world of work and an introduction to the basic skills of the occupation.

Phase 2, 4 and 6, Off-the-job, give the apprentice full-time skills training and related education and provide time for practice of the skills.

Phases 3, 5 and 7, On-the-job, entail the practice and further development of the skills learned in the Off-the-job Phases.
Technical Training (Off-the-Job):

This form of training involves learning practical skills together with the theoretical elements including mathematics, science, drawing and personal development skills.

Apprentices will he required passing a series of Modular Assessments (tests) throughout this training. These will consist of practical tests, short answer and/or multiple choice knowledge tests and coursework assessments. No fees are payable to attend off-the-job training/education, which are run on a block release basis and where this necessitates living away from home. FAS will pay travelling expenses and make an allowance towards accommodation expenses.
Practical Training (On-the-Job):

This form of training is with the employer Mere the apprentice gets practical training and experience of doing the job. In addition to the skills and knowledge gained, the apprentice will develop stamina, confidence and the ability to perform to industrial standards. The apprentice will be assessed on the ability to perform specified tasks to pre-set standards.
Completion and Certification of Apprenticeship:

On successful completion of the apprenticeship the apprentice will be awarded the National Craft Certificate that has both national and international recognition.

Opportunities arise from time to time for promotion to supervisor, chargehand or foreperson level. Many persons use an apprenticeship as a first step in proceeding to such occupations as technicians, instructors, teachers, training advisors, managers and owners of businesses. Where apprentices and craftsperson have the necessary ability, initiative and basic qualifications, opportunities are available for advancement. These include advanced technological and management courses, which are available in Colleges of Technology, including Regional Technical Colleges, Schools of Management, Professional Institutes, etc.

Persons anxious to advance themselves in their careers are advised to discover for themselves what opportunities are available.

Further information can be obtained from your local FAS Office. More detailed information on Apprenticeship, Apprenticeship Training and the Bursary for Women is contained in the brochures A Scheme that Measures Up to Your Needs – Apprentice Applicants’ and ‘A Bursary Scheme for Women Apprentices’.

Wages are regulated by agreement between Employers and Trades Unions, see web link below;
National Craft Certificate (NCC):

The National Craft Certificate is currently awarded by the FETAC (It was formally awarded jointly by the Department of Education and Science and FÁS). It attests to the successful completion of the apprenticeship programme and increasingly is becoming a requirement qualification for Irish craftspersons who wish to find work at home or in other countries.

It is likely to become an essential requirement for working as a craftsperson.
Current requirements for the award of NCC:

To qualify for the award of a National Craft Certificate applicants must provide proof that they have:

Have been registered with FÁS (formerly AnCO)
Served the full period of apprenticeship
Completed the first year “off-the-job” training course
(may be waived in certain circumstances)
Attended the full educational release programme
Achieved a pass grade in the following:
First year assessment programme and terminal test (may be waived in certain circumstances)
Department of Education and Science Junior Trade Written Examination
Department of Education and Science Senior Trade Certificate or
Have successfully completed all phases of the New Apprenticeship Scheme for those who are registered with FÁS.

For the “time served” apprenticeship, an apprentice must provide proof as listed above and then “apply” for the National Craft Certificate (NCC). With the Standards-Based Apprenticeship an apprentice who successfully passes all seven phases of the Standards-Based apprenticeship scheme will be awarded the NCC automatically and does not therefore need to apply.

Application procedure for NCC under existing scheme.

Application forms and information can be obtained from your local fas office or:

Apprenticeship Services
NCC Administration Section
FÁS – The Training and Employment Authority,
PO Box 456,
27-33 Upper Baggot Street Dublin 4

Tel: +353 (0)1 607 0500
Fax: +353 (0)1 607 0608


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